Success story
Maken Geluid (Belgium)
Under the name Maken Geluid (We Make Noise in Flemish) this company based in Bissegem, Belgium, produces theater and music tours in cultural centers and Flemish theatres.
What problem did you want to solve with the Digi Rack Box?
We wanted to continue to use our existing remote stage boxes and cabling that were equipped with harting and also have an analogue split.
As he told us, Wim Dermaux (responsible for Maken Geluid) already had the following stage equipment:
- 3 stage boxes of 12 CH and 1 box of 16 CH
- Harting multicores.
He wanted to use this cabling with an ALLEN AND HEAT DLIVE DM48 STAGE BOX digital stage box, have the ability to (1) patch the signals coming from the stage and (2) have an analog output of all channels to be sent to the monitors console.
What features do you miss in the Digi Rack Box?
Not really, the Digi Rack Box was custom made by Pinanson according to our needs
To whom and how would you recommend a Digi Rack Box?
Anyone buying a new digital mixing console and needing a flexible stage patch
The ability of our customization service to adapt to the needs of our clients makes the use of existing material compatible with new equipment and digital wiring. It makes possible a flexibility that many small sound production companies need for their day to day.

Photo: Courtesy of Wim Dermaux, Responsable at Maken Geluid (Belgium)