Splitter audio MIC & LINE. SAR

Mic / Line level audio Splitter for connecting and distributing audio signals with galvanic isolation.
Features High quality transformers.
Transformer Lundahl
Place Rack screw mounting
Format Box AR 19”
Manufactured In Spain by Pinanson S.L.
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Fully customizable product
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SKU: 2777 Category:

How we have customized this product for other clients

Sydney Opera House (Australia)
48 channel splitter. Remote boxes Input and patching. Output by multi-connectors to FOH, Monitors and Record isolated by transformer.
Radio Katowice (Poland)
48 channel splitter. Input on XLRF, transformer isolated output on XLRM and direct output on D-Sub-25 on the rear.
Stage box audio box AR format PTR8634
Exhibition and Convention Center (Muscat, Oman)
144 channel splitter. Terminal block input on rear, transformer isolated output on XLRM and direct output on multi-connectors.
King’s Cup final ceremony (Saudi Arabia)
60 channel splitter (48 sends 12 returns). Input on XLRF and multi-connector, 2 transformer isolated outputs on multi-connector and direct output on multi-connector. All multi-connectors at the rear.
Nombre:Name:Splitter de audio Micro y Línea. Formato caja AR.Splitter audio MIC & LINE. Box AR format.
Tipo de Señal:Signal:Audio nivel micro/líneaMic/line level audio
Aislamiento:Isolation:Por transformador. Por canal.By transformer. Each channel.
Conectores:Connectors:XLR, Multiconector o Terminal blockXLR, Multi or Terminal block
Entradas:Input:1 entrada balanceada1 balanced input
Salida Directa:Direct Output:1 salida directa balanceada1 balanced direct output
Salidas:Outputs:2 salidas balanceadas y aisladas por transformador. (Consultar otras opciones)2 outputs balanced and isolated by transformer. (Consult other options)
Nº Canales:No. Channels:Sin límiteNo limit
Respuesta en Frecuencia:Frequency response:± 0.1 dB (-57 dBu, 20Hz-20KHz)± 0.1 dB (-57 dBu, 20Hz-20KHz)
THD+N:THD+N:≤ 0.01% (-57 dBu, 1KHz)≤ 0.01% (-57 dBu, 1KHz)
CMRR:CMRR:> 70 dB (-57 dBu, 1KHz)> 70 dB (-57 dBu, 1KHz)
Formato:Format:Caja AR 19"AR 19" box
Emplazamiento:Position:Atornillable en RackRack screw mounting
Conexión:Connection:Perpendicular al rackPerpendicular to the rack
MaterialMaterialPanel frontal:Frontal Panel:Aluminio extrusionadoExtruded aluminium
Panel trasero:Rear Panel:Aluminio extrusionadoExtruded aluminium
Piezas de uniónUnion partsAluminum 3mm y/o Acero al carbono 1,5mmAluminio 3mm and/or Carbon steel 1,5mm
Acabado:Finish:Recubrimiento electroestático en polvo 100-150 µ. Bajo petición, color e Impresión directa con texto, logotipos, etc.Powder electrostatic covering 100-150 μ. Colour and direct print with text, logos, etc. on request
Dimesiones mm (An X Al x F):Dimmensions mm (W X H X D):Caja AR 19" MAMBox AR 19" MAM483 X 89 X 214483 X 89 X 214
Caja AR 19" AR1Box AR 19" AR1483 X 89 X 95483 X 89 X 95
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