In the blog post “AUDIO SIGNAL ON STAGES | FRECUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS” we resolved the questions that our clients usually ask when deciding on one or another stage distributor.
In the following diagram you can see the options that we offer in Pinanson to connect a Digital Stage Box:

In this article we will focus on the DIGI RACK BOX, its parts, advantages and examples with different Digital Stage Boxes from brands such as Yamaha, Digico, Avid, Soundcraft and Allen & Heath.
What is a Digi Rack Box?
As can be seen in the previous diagram, when we want to have our Digital Stage Box in the same rack as our stage distributor, we will opt for the DIGI RACK BOX.
It is a passive interface where all the audio signals converge from the stage to the digital stage boxes of the digital consoles: FOH, Monitors and Recording.
It is a 100% custom designed and manufactured product. A complete Digi Rack Box would consist of the following modules:
Remote boxes module, Patching module for remote boxes, Direct input patch, Analog outputs for digital stage box for MONITORS AND RECORDING, Connection with digital stage box for FOH.
What parts is it made up of?

Module for the connection of remote boxes by means of LK circular connectors.

Module with patch cords to route signals from remote boxes

Direct input module in the patch

Analogue signal output module for the connection of the Digital Stage Box of Monitors (and/or Recording)

Connection module (through XLR cables) to the FOH Digital Stage Box
What advantages does it have?
Saving of wiring and time due to a single initial connection of the signals in the FOH Digital Stage Box
Simplification of space by having the signal distribution equipment and the Digital Stage box in the same rack
Order of the signals identified by colors and sections (according to customer preferences)
Avoid deterioration due to direct connection/disconnection in the FOH digital Stage Box
Digi Rack Box examples
Below are several examples of Digi Rack boxes designed for the equipments like: Yamaha, Digico, Avid, Soundcraft and Allen & Heath.
REF.20200461 DIGI RACK BOX for YAMAHA Rio 3224-D
REF.20200485 DIGI RACK BOX for DIGICO D2-Rack
REF.20200484 DIGI RACK BOX for SOUNDCRAFT Vi Stagebox
“Pínanson, the power of the invisible”